Proud to be Veteran Owned
Air Conditioning & Heating
What does AYOS mean?
Every so often, someone asks us what AYOS means. A lot of our new customers and business associates assume it's our owner's last name. AYOS comes from the Philippine language, Tagalog, and can be translated to mean "FIX". When you read our name (AYOS is pronounced eye-oh-seh), it literally means FIX AIR, which is what we do. 
Bosnia 2002
Meet our owner
My name is John and I started AYOS AIR to help my customers stay comfortable and save money on their heating and cooling service, repair, and replacement needs. I have worked in the HVAC industry since 2007 and before that, I was an aircraft electrician for more than a decade. I proudly served 6 years in the US Army and 4 years in the Texas State Guard and I continue to serve my local community as often as I can.